
Summer is well underway, which means you’re probably spending a lot of time outdoors in the sun. But have you stopped to think about how you’re protecting yourself from UV radiation? While it might be the last thing on your mind, you should start any outdoor activity thinking about how you’re going to protect yourself […]

In the state of Illinois, every child is required to have an eye exam prior to starting kindergarten or entering an Illinois school for the first time, regardless of whether they are attending a public, private, or parochial school.  If you’re getting ready to enroll your child in school, here’s what to know about the […]

New drugs and surgical procedures are being developed every day to treat a range of illnesses, and eye care is no exception. But before a new drug or procedure can be used in standard eye care, it must go through rigorous testing in clinical trials.  Would you be surprised to learn that Illinois Eye Center […]

If you’ve sustained an eye injury while playing a sport, you probably know that they’re no fun. They can cause pain and affect your vision, sometimes causing lasting damage. That’s why it’s important to protect your eyes while playing sports. This goes for adults as well as children. Though children experience high rates of sports […]

The “term” refractive error” may sound like a pretty technical phrase to refer to an eye condition. But in fact, it’s one of the most common eye conditions, affecting about 150 million people in the U.S. alone.  You may even be familiar with some of the most common types of refractive errors, such as nearsightedness […]

Sometimes it’s impossible to foresee an injury to the eye. Everyday activities as simple as a nature hike can result in a foreign body coming into contact with your eye and causing pain, irritation, or serious injury.  However, there are many situations in life where there’s a reasonable expectation that those risks may be higher. […]