Can Cataract Surgery Help Lessen Your Dependence on Glasses?

The word “surgery” can sound scary, especially when it comes to your eyes. But for many people affected by cataracts, surgery can restore the ability to clearly see a grandchild’s first smiles, drive safely at night and enjoy an evening book without reading glasses. For those people, surgery can mean a brighter life.

Since June is Vision Research month, let’s take a moment to appreciate how far eyecare research has come. Not very long ago, the increasingly blurred vision associated with cataracts was considered an inevitable side effect of aging.

Now, doctors can not only rid patients of cataracts, but replace them with state-of-the-art lenses that replace or reduce dependence on glasses. So, how does it work?

First, a little bit about cataracts surgery
Cataracts is a very common condition that causes a clouding of the normally clear lens. In most cases, a 15-minute outpatient procedure is all it takes to correct it.

During the procedure, the cloudy lens is gently broken up with an ultrasound probe and suctioned out. With the old lens gone, a replacement lens, called an Intraocular Lens Transplant (IOL), is added in its place.

The magic is in the lens
Depending on the type of IOL you and your doctor choose, you can expect sharper vision for at least one distance. Here’s a breakdown of the IOL options available today:



Accommodating or Multifocal

  • Basic lens that has equal power in all regions of the lens
  • Offers sharpest focus at long distance
  • May still require glasses for intermediate and close distance vision
  • Specially designed to correct Astigmatism, a common condition that distorts vision
  • Offers sharpest focus at long distance while correcting astigmatism
  • May still require glasses for intermediate and close distance vision
  • Most recent advancements in lens technology
  • Provide full range of vision, with the possibility of seeing well at more than one distance
  • Minimal to zero dependence on glasses after surgery

Which lens is right for you?
If your ultimate goal is to be less dependent on glasses, an Accommodating or Multifocal Lens may be an option for you. But no matter which option you choose, vision after cataract surgery is clearly better for many patients.

Illinois Eye Center is open today, 01/23/2024, at all locations.

Check back here for updates before leaving home, as weather conditions may warrant future changes or closure.

If you prefer to reschedule, due to the weather please click the button below.

Holiday Hours

Saturday, 9/2

Peoria office open by appointment only

(Pekin & Washington are always closed on Saturdays)

Monday, 9/4

All offices closed

Tuesday, 9/5

Peoria & Pekin offices resume normal hours

Note: The Washington office will remain closed for renovations until Monday, Sept 18. 2023