Restoring Clarity- Intraocular Lens Implant Options at IEC

Cataract removal is one of the most common surgical procedures in the United States. The surgery involves removing the cloudy lens inside the eye and replacing it with an artificial one, called an intraocular lens implant (IOL). Modern technology offers a range of artificial lenses. While choosing the best one for you can be a tough decision, with the right knowledge, you’ll be well on your way to selecting the most fitting lens for your eyes and lifestyle.

The most basic option to replace your eye’s natural lens is the monofocal lens. People that select monofocal lenses can expect good distance vision but will need to wear glasses for reading or other near-sighted activities.

Patients with astigmatism also have the option of the astigmatism package, comprised of the upgraded Toric Monofocal IOL. This option reduces astigmatism and allows people to lessen their dependence on glasses for distance vision. However, patients may still require glasses for intermediate and close distance vision post-surgery.

For people that are interested in being less dependent on glasses, the presbyopia package, which utilizes an Aspheric Multifocal or Accommodating IOL, is an option. Presbyopia is a natural symptom of aging. With time, the eyes gradually lose the ability to focus on nearby objects, and glasses or contacts become necessary. The presbyopia package can reduce or eliminate the need for glasses at all ranges, for people with or without astigmatism.

Both the Aspheric Multifocal and Accomodating IOL use a slightly different design to help you achieve your goal of clear vision and each have advantages and disadvantages. Which one is best for you depends on the unique characteristics of your eye, as well as your lifestyle needs. If interested in this option, your doctor will provide a thorough examination of your eyes and discuss your lifestyle and vision needs to determine which lens is more advantageous for you.

From the monofocal to the Aspheric Multifocal IOL, there’s an option for every set of eyes post cataract removal. Talk with your doctor about which lens is best for you.

To schedule an appointment with Illinois Eye Center, call (309) 243-2400.

Weather Alert

Current forecasts call for winter weather overnight in the Peoria area. Please check Illinois Eye Center’s website for the latest information on closures or delayed opening that may impact your appointment on Friday January 10. If you prefer to request a reschedule of your appointment now, please use the link below.

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Weather Notice

Illinois Eye Center will be closing today, Wednesday, February 12, at 4 PM. We will be monitoring the weather throughout the day, but we understand if you feel unable to navigate the conditions safely to and from your appointment. Please use the link below to request a rescheduled appointment. If you plan to attend your appointment, please check here for updates immediately before departing, as our website will contain the most up-to-date information.